Dear Landry
Another Christmas is here! It's hard to believe that this is your fourth Christmas in Heaven, although you never spent a Christmas on earth, it's still hard to believe.
I have felt you near a lot lately and I want to thank you for helping me along. This time of year can be a struggle, even though it is my favorite time of year. I always worry!!
This Christmas season has been a nice one, we didn't do any one thing in honor of your name but we did a few different anonymous things, (you know what they are).
This year we also added some new decorations to have reminders of you. Dad bought a really cool angel solar light. I have never seen anything like it! I can't wait to put it out, but I think we will wait for some better weather. I got some angel ornaments, that are pretty cool and a little angel statue that isn't all girly like most angel things. Grandma got Bentley and Abby each a dragonfly ornament that is pretty cool too. We also got you some beautiful white flowers for your garden marker outside. I was hoping they would freeze quickly and stay for awhile but our weather warmed up just enough to ruin that plan. We enjoyed the sunshine though.
We will always love and miss you! Thank you for continuing to send us beautiful sunsets to enjoy every night. Thank you for cheering us on during those down times and hard days. Please continue to be with us and help us through this journey we call life.
We love you little man and hope your Christmas in heaven is wonderful!
Love you always and forever
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Where is Heaven, Is it very far?
I was raised to know that heaven is never far away. I believed it while I was growing up and still do to this day...maybe a little more now than before.
Both of my parents are in heaven and an incredible aunt and uncle took me and my two sisters in and called us their own, making one family out of two. They became our mom and dad too.
My mom taught us that our parents and heaven were always near and I know that to be true. When Landry passed away, there was some peace knowing that his death was not the end, because of my knowledge from my upbringing. I know that he too, will always be close because heaven is as near as you let it be.
After Landry passed away, Lenn and I became obsessed with sunsets! I cannot remember the one time that it really came to me but I remember thinking 'I bet the little angels in heaven are in charge of the sunsets each night to help was remember them'. After that I have watched for the perfect timing of sunsets. I don't catch each one but I try. They bring me such peace and an excuse to sit and think of my little Landry.
Since sunsets bring me such peace I love to pass that one to others who have lost a loved one. I had the idea of putting Landry in a sunset and I loved it. It put two loves together! I have done a few for others and I hope they find the same peace that I do when I see sunsets knowing that Landry will always be close and there to help us along this journey we call life.
Both of my parents are in heaven and an incredible aunt and uncle took me and my two sisters in and called us their own, making one family out of two. They became our mom and dad too.
My mom taught us that our parents and heaven were always near and I know that to be true. When Landry passed away, there was some peace knowing that his death was not the end, because of my knowledge from my upbringing. I know that he too, will always be close because heaven is as near as you let it be.
After Landry passed away, Lenn and I became obsessed with sunsets! I cannot remember the one time that it really came to me but I remember thinking 'I bet the little angels in heaven are in charge of the sunsets each night to help was remember them'. After that I have watched for the perfect timing of sunsets. I don't catch each one but I try. They bring me such peace and an excuse to sit and think of my little Landry.
Since sunsets bring me such peace I love to pass that one to others who have lost a loved one. I had the idea of putting Landry in a sunset and I loved it. It put two loves together! I have done a few for others and I hope they find the same peace that I do when I see sunsets knowing that Landry will always be close and there to help us along this journey we call life.
Friday, October 18, 2013
This thing called death...
This week has had it's highs and lows. The highs have been wonderful and the lows have been horrible!
We found out that Lenn's old football coach and friend lost his mom, then the very next morning we found out that one of our good friend's had lost his dad in a tragic accident. This morning we found out that sweet little Maggie, an sma angel, had been called home to heaven to join her big brother.
Our hearts have been heavy the last few days.
We do believe in Heaven, we do believe in life after death, so why is death such a sting? I wish I had the answer but I do not! I have said and heard others say that it is the ones who are left behind that don't want to have to go on without their loved ones. It might be selfish, but I am right there. It is hard! It is something you never plan on or expect to have to go through.
It doesn't matter how old, sick or weak a loved one is or how ready you might think you are. I do not believe you can ever truly be ready for the reality of the death of a loved one.
After losing Landry, life became different, very different. It probably seems crazy to some what some of us hold on to or what we might do because of it. We are very blessed to have two healthy children. We probably spoil them and give them way too much but it is hard not to. It is hard not to try to capture every single moment of every single activity! I am grateful for photos and videos. I probably have way too many pictures and videos to ever get organized but I don't care it gives me something to hold to. (I really don't think you could ever have too many photos though). So if you ever think we are crazy at a football game, me with a camera, Lenn with a video camera and still taking full advantage of all of Karla's pictures we just might be. We may be a little crazy but that is what is getting us through grief, I guess.
I can't help but feel blessed and taken care of at this time. Owen is doing well, as well as he can, and will be six in January.
Even though we are part of the SMA community and we hear of death a lot, it never gets easier! Each time an angel is called back to heaven are hearts break once again. The thoughts of Landry passing come rushing back. The tears flow without warning and your mind stays with the family dealing with the recent lose. Even when you don't know the family your heart honestly hurts for them.
This song has been in my mind all day today, especially the third verse.
Each Life That Touches Ours For Good
We hold forever in our hearts
A sweet and hallowed memory,
Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
4. For worthy friends whose lives proclaim
Devotion to the Savior’s name,
Who bless our days with peace and love,
We praise thy goodness, Lord, above.
We found out that Lenn's old football coach and friend lost his mom, then the very next morning we found out that one of our good friend's had lost his dad in a tragic accident. This morning we found out that sweet little Maggie, an sma angel, had been called home to heaven to join her big brother.
Our hearts have been heavy the last few days.
We do believe in Heaven, we do believe in life after death, so why is death such a sting? I wish I had the answer but I do not! I have said and heard others say that it is the ones who are left behind that don't want to have to go on without their loved ones. It might be selfish, but I am right there. It is hard! It is something you never plan on or expect to have to go through.
It doesn't matter how old, sick or weak a loved one is or how ready you might think you are. I do not believe you can ever truly be ready for the reality of the death of a loved one.
After losing Landry, life became different, very different. It probably seems crazy to some what some of us hold on to or what we might do because of it. We are very blessed to have two healthy children. We probably spoil them and give them way too much but it is hard not to. It is hard not to try to capture every single moment of every single activity! I am grateful for photos and videos. I probably have way too many pictures and videos to ever get organized but I don't care it gives me something to hold to. (I really don't think you could ever have too many photos though). So if you ever think we are crazy at a football game, me with a camera, Lenn with a video camera and still taking full advantage of all of Karla's pictures we just might be. We may be a little crazy but that is what is getting us through grief, I guess.
I can't help but feel blessed and taken care of at this time. Owen is doing well, as well as he can, and will be six in January.
Even though we are part of the SMA community and we hear of death a lot, it never gets easier! Each time an angel is called back to heaven are hearts break once again. The thoughts of Landry passing come rushing back. The tears flow without warning and your mind stays with the family dealing with the recent lose. Even when you don't know the family your heart honestly hurts for them.
This song has been in my mind all day today, especially the third verse.
Each Life That Touches Ours For Good
1. Each life that touches ours for good
Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above
Thru words and deeds of those who love.
Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above
Thru words and deeds of those who love.
2. What greater gift dost thou bestow,
What greater goodness can we know
Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
3. When such a friend from us departs,What greater goodness can we know
Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
We hold forever in our hearts
A sweet and hallowed memory,
Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
4. For worthy friends whose lives proclaim
Devotion to the Savior’s name,
Who bless our days with peace and love,
We praise thy goodness, Lord, above.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Placed in our lives
I believe in a much bigger plan than any one of us could ever imagine. I believe the Lord places the people in our lives they we need the most.
Over the last five, almost six years, we have been blessed by the people who have been placed in our lives.
This fall, Lenn was looking at more sheep! He found some and told me he was going to get them. I told him I wanted to go, which was odd. It is so much easier to stay home, but I had a strong feeling to go that day. I kept trying to talk myself out of it, but I kept getting that same feeling that I should go. We loaded Owen up and off we went. The whole way over I kept thinking of all the things I could be doing at home.
We got to the place where the sheep were and there was an older man and a younger lady. I was in the truck with Owen and Lenn was visiting with them for awhile. Then the lady left and later came back out and headed for the truck. I opened the door to say hello and instantly I knew why I needed to go that day!
This young lady has a story of her own, and a fairly recent one. Yet she seemed so brave to be talking to me about it and keeping her composure the whole time. Yes, there were a few tears but her strength was something to write home about.
She has a little angel that came way too early due to her own health conditions and also hospital negligence. She told me her story and then told me what miracles she witnessed with the birth and passing of her sweet little girl.
I am very grateful I was able to meet this lady, she is no longer even in the country but her strength and testimony will always be a great example to me. Sometimes it helps to know that we are not alone in our trials that we are given and to see others with such strength lets you know you can do it to.
I know our loving Heavenly Father has a plan and even though it is not always fun or easy, His plan also contains the help we need to endure the trials that are given to us. We have been blessed with such great examples through friends and family and I am so grateful to have them through any trials that come our way.
Over the last five, almost six years, we have been blessed by the people who have been placed in our lives.
This fall, Lenn was looking at more sheep! He found some and told me he was going to get them. I told him I wanted to go, which was odd. It is so much easier to stay home, but I had a strong feeling to go that day. I kept trying to talk myself out of it, but I kept getting that same feeling that I should go. We loaded Owen up and off we went. The whole way over I kept thinking of all the things I could be doing at home.
We got to the place where the sheep were and there was an older man and a younger lady. I was in the truck with Owen and Lenn was visiting with them for awhile. Then the lady left and later came back out and headed for the truck. I opened the door to say hello and instantly I knew why I needed to go that day!
This young lady has a story of her own, and a fairly recent one. Yet she seemed so brave to be talking to me about it and keeping her composure the whole time. Yes, there were a few tears but her strength was something to write home about.
She has a little angel that came way too early due to her own health conditions and also hospital negligence. She told me her story and then told me what miracles she witnessed with the birth and passing of her sweet little girl.
I am very grateful I was able to meet this lady, she is no longer even in the country but her strength and testimony will always be a great example to me. Sometimes it helps to know that we are not alone in our trials that we are given and to see others with such strength lets you know you can do it to.
I know our loving Heavenly Father has a plan and even though it is not always fun or easy, His plan also contains the help we need to endure the trials that are given to us. We have been blessed with such great examples through friends and family and I am so grateful to have them through any trials that come our way.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Celebrating your 3rd birthday with a gift of HOPE!
Our dear little Landry,
We can't believe you would be 3 years old, oh how time flies! I don't know how it is possible but it is, it feels like forever since I held you in my arms but it seems like just yesterday when you came into this world.
Each year I try to think of a way to give you a gift. I know I can't but I can't help but think you would want us to give to someone else. This year I thought and thought and it finally came to me, I am sure it was with you help! We gave a gift of HOPE to a special family, we pray that is does just that, gives them hope in their upcoming future.
I bought you a cute little sweater before you were born and since you never got to wear it, I have wanted to give it to someone special. I haven't found the right someone until recently.
There is a special little boy coming to this Earth soon. He has been tested and it is confirmed that this little soldier has SMA. He has an older sister who lives in Heaven too, she also had SMA. When we heard the news of this little guy I really wanted to do something for them. So that is how we picked who would get your gift this year.
We gave them your little sweater so that he can go home and grow into it!! We gave them a CD with some special songs, letters, poems and a HOPE plaque. We hope they enjoy them and that they were touched with a little bit of your special spirit when they received it.
Landry, you are such a special part of our family! We would not be complete without you, that is maybe why some days can be so hard. We know that one day our family will be able to ALL be together in one place and at the same time. There will be no more separation.
We can be together forever one day!
We love you so much and I pray you will keep sending us love, keep watching over us and helping us through this life.
Happy Birthday my sweet little guy!
Love Mom
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I asked a friend at the last minute if she could make this and I think it turned out great. Thank you! |
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Happy Birthday sweet boy! |
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