Thursday, January 30, 2014

Look there's Landry

During this last Christmas break I was down at my family party.  My dad was sick in the hospital and my sister, her husband and I went to visit.  We stayed for a bit and came out to a beautiful sunset.  I said something like, 'wow look at the sunset'.  My sister replied right back, 'look there's Landry'!  I think I gave her a weird look but she said doesn't remember. I was in awe that she said what I was thinking.  Not only do sunsets now remind her of Landry but she wasn't afraid to speak his name! I loved it!
I didn't realize I had my camera with me or I would have gotten a clear shot from the hospital. When we got back to my other sisters house I was able to capture the beautiful sunset that evening.  I was almost holding my breath on the way back trying to get to my camera to get a picture.  I was afraid I would miss it, but I didn't!  Maybe time does stand still when we need it!

I am so grateful we were able to see this beautiful sunset and grateful that it waited for me to get a picture, even though it's a bit blurry and trees were in the way.
I am also grateful for my sister remembering my little Landry. I am so glad he is not forgotten!
I somehow see my little guy in each and every sunset!

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